Our Whole Family (so far!)

Our Whole Family (so far!)
We are waiting for a sweet child to join our family. These are stories from our lives. We will add to this blog as life happens and we'll even add things from the past. We hope you appreciate our efforts as we sincerely appreciate yours in making the right decision for your child. We certainly hope you find what you are looking for here with us............ Best Wishes, Scott, Annie, Emmie & Clay (and Oliver and Jake too!)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Contortionist Oliver

The only way we can keep Oliver out of the house is to lock the doors. He walks up to a door and pulls the handle down and pushes it open. Last night he was getting desperate to come in. He poked his head through the cat flap in our window. He could barely fit his head through so we just laughed and waved at him. He didn't give up. He wiggled and squirmed until he squeezed is giant dog body through the flap. We let him stay in after that feat. He was just so tired he wanted to get some sleep. I took a video when it seemed like he might actually get through but it's a bit like watching something give birth. So I won't post it.

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