Our Whole Family (so far!)

Our Whole Family (so far!)
We are waiting for a sweet child to join our family. These are stories from our lives. We will add to this blog as life happens and we'll even add things from the past. We hope you appreciate our efforts as we sincerely appreciate yours in making the right decision for your child. We certainly hope you find what you are looking for here with us............ Best Wishes, Scott, Annie, Emmie & Clay (and Oliver and Jake too!)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bean Jar

Something we have been doing for a couple of weeks now is using beans to reward the children for being nice or doing good things. The reward this time was to take a trip to Ikea. On Veteran's Day the kids doubled their efforts and earned enough beans to fill up the jar. It was perfect since we had the day off and Scott didn't have to be anywhere until evening. You would think a trip to a store wouldn't be enough of an enticement but they love it there. The chocolate cake from the cafe alone is enough to make them be nice to each other and pick up after themselves.
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