Our Whole Family (so far!)

Our Whole Family (so far!)
We are waiting for a sweet child to join our family. These are stories from our lives. We will add to this blog as life happens and we'll even add things from the past. We hope you appreciate our efforts as we sincerely appreciate yours in making the right decision for your child. We certainly hope you find what you are looking for here with us............ Best Wishes, Scott, Annie, Emmie & Clay (and Oliver and Jake too!)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Arrrgh Matey!

Dad took Clay for a walk on the property. Of course Clay had to pick up all the cool looking sticks along the way. That IS the whole reason why you go for hikes to look for cool things to collect. We have a huge and quickly growing collection of cool sticks, rocks, bottles, bones and even a few skulls. This time Clay slipped on a wet leaf and a poison oak stick stabbed him in the eye. Clay said of course it didn't hurt. Dad had to bandage him up before they could go with the rest of their day.
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