Our Whole Family (so far!)

Our Whole Family (so far!)
We are waiting for a sweet child to join our family. These are stories from our lives. We will add to this blog as life happens and we'll even add things from the past. We hope you appreciate our efforts as we sincerely appreciate yours in making the right decision for your child. We certainly hope you find what you are looking for here with us............ Best Wishes, Scott, Annie, Emmie & Clay (and Oliver and Jake too!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

My Blog Update

Once again I let 4 months go by without updating the blog.  That might just be the way I have to do it from now on.  I'll just have to do it all at once. I want to keep up on the family blog as I use it journaling.  I think there are a few more completely out of order posts still to come.  If Blogger changed one thing I'd like for it to have adjustable dating and ordering so Easter won't come after summer!

Strawberry Creek

This is the swimming hole near Strawberry. The raging water has finally calmed down enough to allow us to play in it.

Oliver and Clay

Someone needs attention....or a lollipop.

Cody Lake

 Cody Lake is tiny, beautiful and secretly hidden above Strawberry off highway 50. We'll be back to spend the day at our "own" lake in the mountains.

River Rafting

We stopped at a creek on the way back from visiting Dark Lake and Wrights Lake. The kids rafted down the 12 inch rapids. It was fun for them and beautiful scenery for us.
Grandpa Lamb and Dad are trying to rescue the floaty board from the deep pool. Don't worry, they got, but not without a lot of teamwork and patience.

Our Swallows

Every year the swallows come back and build nests in our courtyard. The babies grow and leave the nest and they immediately start over again sometimes in the same nest and sometimes in a new one. They eat most of the mosquitoes we have so we'll go ahead and let them make their muddy nests on the house.

Jerry thinks he's a jungle cat stalking the birds as they fly in and out.

Jerry's Water Bowl

I have been wondering why Zeffreyk's water keeps evaporating so fast.  We finally figured it out.

4th of July

Like the past 2 years the kids rode in the Independence Day Parade. We met up with our friends Madelyn, Morgan and Madux. Emmie refused to even ride her bike. She ran along side the parade and pushed it this year.


My artichoke really did well this year. We had a lot but I never got around to cutting them to eat. I'm glad I didn't. I had no idea how pretty they could get. I guess they are flowers really. I think I will let them go every year from now on.
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Emmie Turns 7

Emmie chose to have her birthday at Cameron Park Lake.  She invited her best friend Chloe.  Emmie helped decorate the chocolate Hello Kitty brownie cupcakes. She was in charge of the sprinkles and ears. We were at the lake from 11 when they opened until 7 when they closed.  Emmie said it was the best day ever!


Clay's Video

Clay found the camera while mom was busy. 

Shotgun Vandals

We missed the Elder Quorum's first annual skeet shooting activity out at a friend's place which happens to be just down the road from us. We went to the cabin this weekend to get out of the heat. When we came home late Saturday night this is what greeted us at the driveway entrance. In the dark, at first sight we thought there were spikes set up at the entrance. The we realized there were hundreds of shotgun shells neatly standing all over the driveway. There was even a slalom course going up the road. We have good friends don't we? Thanks for including us in the activity even though we weren't there. And what dedication! It was more than 100 degrees that day, I can't imagine how miserable this must have been.

Pillow Pile

This is something Clay loves to do. He runs around and collects every pillow in house and all his stuffed animals. Then the kids roll around in it. It's lots of fun until it's time to go to bed and no one has a pillow to sleep on. It took Clay 3 or 4 days to get all the pillows back where they belong. He won't be doing this anymore if I have anything to do with it....and I do!
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Father's Day

This is my Father's Day gift activity for the kids in nursery. I like the paperclip on the back of the tie so the dads can wear them...if the kids don't tear them open and eat them first.
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